
Pharmaceutical products and drugs awareness is a serious menace to the society in the world especially in developing countries and resulting in serious social and health implications. Various national and international organizations all over the world reiterate the commitment to provide the awareness and literate the people about the right use of medicines. The facts and figures shows a estimate; nearly 200 million people are using illicit drugs such as cocaine, cannabis, opiates and hallucinogens all over the world and 200000 people kills every year.

The problem is increasing in Pakistan because of smuggling and substandard drugs trade and lack of awareness among people to choose right products because markets are rushed with substandard medicines in Pakistan. Because it is a real and massive, and needs forceful response with allocation of proper resources, public awareness campaigns and enforcement of clear policies regarding right use of medicines. Especially in poor and developing countries practitioners do not contain dosage instructions to the patients Moreover, some of them simply prescribe antibiotics to their patients without being fully informed themselves. Policies are not inclusive, surveillance systems of pharmaceutical industry are very weak and mechanism to check the quality or supply of medicines is inadequate.

To promote the "Rational use of medication" and "Essential drugs concept" in Pakistan TheNetwork advocate for universal availability, affordability, good quality and safe use of medicines and promote rational prescription.